Human Services Advisory Council (HSAC)
HSAC is a county-based planning, advisory, and advocacy organization committed to meeting the human services needs of the local community. The HSAC facilitates, coordinates, and enhances the distribution of human services through collaborative relationships with community members and private and state organizations. HSAC public meetings are held 9:00 AM the 1st Tuesday of each month (except for August) in the St. Johns Parish Hall at 76 Market St., Salem NJ 08079.
Continuum of Care (COC)
The CoC committee is designed to promote community-wide planning and strategic use of resources to address homelessness including improving the coordination and integration of resources and programs targeted to people experiencing homelessness. To improve outcomes for those struggling with homelessness, each community tailors its programs to the particular strengths and challenges in assisting homeless individuals and families within that community. The COC membership also works annually to implement the Point in Time (PIT) Count in Salem County. The Continuum meets every other month on the third Wednesday at the County Building at 11:00 AM located at 110 5th Street, Salem, NJ 08079 and is open to those with an interest in issues of homeless prevention.
Comprehensive Emergency Assistance System (CEAS)
The CEAS Committee is made up of organizations that respond to emergency food and shelter. Grant funds are distributed through the IAC to local agencies including Meals on Wheels, Catholic Charities, and the Salvation Army. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every other month at the county building at 110 5th Street in Salem City. Please see our application below if you would like to join us.