IAC will publicize open screening and referral periods. Open periods when referrals are accepted and screening is conducted, currently are held for one-week timeframes, when there is room on the program waitlist. Screenings determine eligibility to to be added to the waitlist. When units are expected to be available within 30 days, households from the waitlist are invited to apply and interview.
During an open screening and referral period, a Screening and Referral form dated with the acceptance period is dispersed to the Salem County community of homelessness, emergency, and community service providers. This means any homeless individual or family seeking assistance from or enrolled with any provider will be informed of the opportunity to be screened. A poster is also hung at the Flying J Truck Stop. Local law enforcement and emergency response entities are specifically notified. McKinney Vento liaisons in each school district for students experiencing homelessness and daycare center contacts are notified.
Persons may call IAC to be screened over the phone or may complete a Screening and Referral form themselves and submit through several ways detailed on the form. A case-worker, loved one, or any representative may also complete a Screening and Referral form and submit on a household’s behalf. All forms submitted during open periods will be reviewed and responded to.